Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Meet Miss Casey Decker!

I met Casey a couple months ago through my new roommate, Lauren (you might remember Lauren from the shoot at the orchard - she's also the proud Mom of the Bella the cat).

I cannot begin to say enough wonderful things about Casey. She's just one of those people that lights up a room with her smile. When Casey asked me to take some photos of her to promote her upcoming recital at the Berklee College of Music on Sunday, February 21st, I was beyond honored. Did I mention this little beauty sings Opera?! True story. We had a beautiful day for the shoot and I got to hangout at my favorite neighborhood location, Castle Island!

I'll end it with my 2 favorites:

I hope you enjoy the pictures Casey! I can't wait to hear your beautiful voice in February.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I know several of you have been inquiring about my lack of blog postings. My lame excuse: I have been crazy busy with life, boring. But yes, I am still doing shoots. Some of the recent shoots I've done are for surprise holiday gifts, so I don't want to give away those photos before the Holidays. :)

Now onto something a little more exciting.

For those of you that know me, you know I like any excuse to dress up and be silly/over the top, which is why I ADORE Halloween.

I've already expressed my love of self timers, well this love combined with Halloween made for some pretty glorious pre-Halloween festivities photos of
Red Sox Player Youkilis, a censored girl (yes, that's me), Lady Gaga and an 80's Rockstar!

No clue what I thought was sooo funny in this picture, but I was sure loving life:

Love the self timer:

Hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween!
Thanks for a great night out ladies.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tavares - October 22, 2009

Congratulations Mike & Mel (Mr. & Mrs. Tavares)!!!
I have known Mike since I was 5 years old. Actually, I think I may have even received my first "award" ever in my life from Mike on the playground in 3rd grade. Mike was very crafty with computers and there was a program (Mike you'll have to remind me of the program) that had an award certificate making program on it. Anyways, Mike made me an award for having the "sexiest legs", needless to say Mel caught herself a keeper 10 years ago... yes, these two love birds starting dating in Junior High. If that isn't true love, I don't know what is! I am so lucky to have witnessed your love blossom all through junior and high school, college (in different states) and through your engagement.
Here are a few of my favorite photos from your perfect, special day.

Mike waiting for his bride:

Here comes the bride with her Dad:

The kiss (a little different than their first kiss I heard all about 10 years ago, that took place in the backseat of Mike's mother's car - and yes, it was while she was driving... I'm letting all your secrets out!!)

Mike being Mike and Mel looking like a princess:

The rings:

First dance, so beautiful:

The bouquet toss:

Mel had little details showcasing her artist side throughout the reception, like the table names (I was at Modern):

The cake kiss:

Me and the Tavares, wooohoo:

I am so happy I could share in your special day.